5 Tips For Choosing Aluminium Windows For Your Home

When undertaking a renovation, extension or new build project, windows are an essential factor to be considered in the overall design and budget. We have listed 5 tips to help you choose the perfect aluminium windows so that they are not just a necessity, but also a focal point of your home.

  1. Quality

We suggest installing aluminium windows because they’re durable, sustainable and easy to maintain. When choosing which aluminium windows to purchase however, it is important to consider the overall composition of the windows, the window frame finish and the accreditations the windows have to ensure you are buying a quality product.

At Reynaers at Home, we offer a range of high quality aluminium windows. Aluminium is 100% recyclable and the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust. Despite its light weight, aluminium has extreme strength and stability allowing us to offer industry leading window sizes.

aluminium windows kitchen
  1. Design

Windows with large glass panes and slim frames are currently the most popular window system as they suit both traditional and contemporary homes. One of the major benefits of installing aluminium windows is that their frames are typically slimmer than uPVC and timber frames. Narrow frames are unobtrusive and  can mimic original sightlines so that you don’t have to compromise on the appearance of your home. At Reynaers at Home, we have even specifically engineered ultra slim frames for our customers.

When you have chosen the style of your frame, there are also hundreds of matt and gloss colours and finishes to choose from. You can even choose a wood grain effect or a metallic finish. The colour and finish of your window will depend on the style of your property, so it could be worth considering one colour on the inside to suit your home interior, and another for the outside to suit the exterior of your home.

There are different opening options to choose from, such as outward opening, parallel opening, casement windows, fixed windows or tilt-turn windows. Consider the size, placement, and height of your window, and the space around it when choosing your opening.

  1. Security

Modern aluminium windows are incredibly strong and durable, but it is still important to check if the aluminium window manufacturer meets British and European security standards. Additionally the Secured by Design accreditation is only given to aluminium windows with the most stringent security measures.

At Reynaers at Home we not only meet security regulations, we exceed them, making our aluminium products amongst the most secure on the market. Combining exceptional engineering with clever design, all of our windows are fitted with a state-of-the-art multi-point locking system and our internal glazing bead prevents the removal of the glass from the outside. This is one of the reasons why all of our aluminium windows have the Secured by Design accreditation.

aluminium large windows
  1. Efficiency

The efficiency of your windows is an important factor to consider when choosing the right product. If you are designing low energy housing, look for the Swiss Minergie component label, which is only awarded to systems that contribute to low energy housing such as the CS-77 aluminium window system produced by Reynaers at Home.

Additionally, if you are just looking to increase your thermal insulation, consider triple glazed windows over double glazing. Depending on your location, it would be wise to check the noise efficiency and how weather resistant the aluminium windows are as well. For example, if you live in the city, finding windows with high noise efficiency could be an important factor in guiding your decision.

  1. Budget

After looking at the previous tips you should be able to see what you want to prioritise when it comes to the efficiency, quality, security and the design of your aluminium windows. All of these should be factored in to your budget when finding quotes, as well as the cost of installation.

Another important consideration to remember is that the higher the quality of aluminium windows you decide to install, the more value will be added to your home.

aluminium patio windows

Want To Know More About Aluminium Windows? 

At Reynaers at Home we have drawn from over 50 years of expertise to design and engineer only the highest quality aluminium products that have been installed across the world, not just in homes but also many commercial properties, high rise residential apartments and even  hotels and museums around the world.

Whether you are a builder, an architect, a fabricator, an installer or a homeowner, we suggest visiting our Find a Dealer page to help you get in touch with a suitable Reynaers at Home dealer for your project.

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